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Terms and conditions of service June 2020






All Bookings for services whether made online, by phone or in person are made on these Terms and Conditions only to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions, whether written or oral. No alteration to the Terms and Conditions is valid unless contained in a letter signed on behalf of the company by an authorised signatory.







2a. Quotes and Pricing Before cleaning commences you will be provided with a quote for cleaning your home. This is a fixed price to have your home cleaned to your requirements on each occasion and not per hour. Sometimes we may be slightly longer or quicker with cleaning but this will not affect the agreed price provided we clean all areas that have been requested. Quotes are valid for 30 days.


2b. Price Changes All prices are subject to change and existing customers will be given 30 days notice in writing of any changes.


2c. Payments Unless agreed otherwise by default we expect payment either on the day or before the day of cleaning. For regular cleaning we suggest the easiest way to do this is to set up a recurring standing order using our bank details. We reserve the right to stop cleaning for customers who do not pay within the allotted time and recover any outstanding amount. We can no longer accept cheques due to the closure of the cheque guarantee scheme.

To help keep track of payments, where possible please use invoice number as your payment reference.







3a. Suspension of cleaning We are more than happy if you wish to suspend cleaning (i.e to go on holiday) however please give us no less than 14 days notice. Please note if you wish to suspend cleaning that falls between the dates of 15th July and 5th September or 15th December and 5th January we will require 30 days notice.

If you give us less than the required notice but 7 or more days then we reserve the right to charge 50% of the cost of the clean. If you give us less than 7 days notice we reserve the right to charge 100% of the cost of the clean.

We are happy to suspend cleaning for up to a maximum of 2 weeks however if you require suspension for longer than this we may need to cancel your cleaning altogether and will discuss this with you.


3b. Cancellation of Cleaning Services We require 30 days notice in writing if you wish to cancel cleaning services altogether or payment equivalent to 4 weeks of cleaning. PLEASE NOTE: Once cleaning has finished there may still be a final bill to pay if there is a balance owing on your account.

We are really proud that all of our staff are fully employed, and we believe giving our staff this security makes them happier and provides you with a better cleaning experience. However because of this, as an employer we have to guarantee them work on a weekly basis. By providing the correct notice we can continue to do this for them.


3c. Non-access If it has been agreed that the customer will provide access to the cleaning staff on the day of the clean please ensure you are in 10 minutes before the clean is due to start in order to let the team in. If it has been agreed that a key will be left out or with a neighbour please notify us before the clean where this will be left. The cleaning team will spend up to 10 minutes trying to access your property after which time the clean will be marked as non-access and will charge 100% of the price of the clean.

If are delayed or run late due to customer error then we reserve the right to take this time out of your cleaning time.

3d. Cancellation/Non Attendance will not be liable for any delay to or cancellation of the services caused by circumstances beyond our control (including but not limited to fire, flood, strike, exceptional traffic circumstances, lack of adequate power, breakage or failure of machinery or apparatus or staff shortage). In such circumstances will use its best endeavours to arrange an alternative time suitable to both parties for the performance of its services. Where fails to carry out an agreed service due to circumstances within our control, our liability shall be limited to providing the agreed service at no additional charge at a mutually convenient alternative time and in no event shall be liable for any other losses including loss of profit or consequential loss.







4a. To complete cleaning we expect to be able to access the property and for the property to have running water and electricity. provides all products and equipment in order to carry out cleaning. For hygiene purposes we ask that the customer provides their own mop and bucket and at least one toilet brush. If any one of these aren’t provided the cleaning team will still attempt to clean however it may not be to a standard that you or us would normally be happy with and may also be quicker than normal however we reserve the right to still charge the normal price. As part of cleaning the teams will create a very small amount of waste. does not have a commercial waste licence therefore we ask that where possible it is helpful if they can put this in your external bin once finished.


4b. Health and Safety takes the health and safety of its staff and customers extremely seriously. All staff are trained in health and safety. Staff are encouraged to use their judgement regarding what they feel to be a safe or unsafe environment. If a member of staff feels it is against their safety to clean will fully support this decision and reserves the right to charge the full cost of the clean.  Please note that if we have recently cleaned your floors or completed ironing these may be a slip or burn hazard.

If the customer is suffering from a serious or contagious illness such as flu, gastroenteritis, chickenpox or shingles then will waive the cost of cancelled cleaning at its discretion provided some form of notice has been given. Likewise we would not knowingly allow a member of staff to clean your property with a contagious illness. If staff arrive at a property to find the customer has a contagious illness without being notified in advance and they decide it is against their health and safety to clean then reserves the right to charge 50% of the cost of the clean in order to cover staff wages. reserves the right to completely stop cleaning for persistent customer cancellations.

We expect all children and pets to be supervised while cleaning. If an adult is not present while there are pets or children in the house will only clean with prior agreement.

Please note due to staff preference and insurance there are some dog breeds that we will not be able to clean with while they are present.


4c. Our staff Our cleaning staff work in pairs and we try to assign you the same two staff on each occasion for security and consistency. Therefore normal cleaning time should be twice as fast as normal. Occasionally if we have additional staff available we may be able to supply three members of staff and on these occasions cleaning time will be up to three times faster than normal.


We are really proud that all of our staff are fully trained, insured and employed with full employment rights and holiday entitlement. Therefore we will always aim to cover any holiday or sickness and on these occasions we may not always be able to provide the same cleaning staff as usual. Please bear in mind your contract is with and not individual staff therefore although we strive to always provide the same staff we cannot always guarantee this. In rare instances we may need to cancel cleaning due to unexpected staff shortages and in these cases we will give you as much notice as we can. Where possible we will always try to re-arrange cleaning if we have availability to do so.





5. USE OF CUSTOMERS’ EQUIPMENT staff are not permitted to use cleaning products or solutions supplied by the customer – see clause 9c. Agreement to do so will be reached by both parties prior to any work commencing.







6a. Key holding is insured to hold keys. We also have insurance for locksmiths if this is ever required. Keys are held in a multi-layered secured location which only Simon Long has master access to. Keys are only available to cleaning staff on the day of the clean and are accounted for at the end of each day. While going about their daily business cleaning staff will keep keys locked away out of sight. Your name and address will never be linked to your key. Due to the security arrangements of holding your key it may not always be possible to return your key immediately if you cancel your cleaning. In the majority of cases we are normally able to return your key within 24 hours however it can take up to 5 working days.


6b. Liability for death or personal injury Nothing in this contract shall limit or exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence.


6c. Specialised surfaces, objects and materials will carry out an initial consultation with you to discuss your cleaning requirements. During this time you will be asked if you have any specialised surfaces, objects or materials. Examples of this could be marble, gold, silver, granite or stone surfaces or expensive artwork or objects.

As part of this, the specialised surface or object will be highlighted on the quote you receive which then becomes the checklist the team use when cleaning. You will be emailed a copy of this once a fortnight. If you have a specialised object or surface which is not specified on the checklist it is your responsibility to check this and contact us straight away so we can add it to the cleaning schedule. This also includes instances of building work where you may obtain a surface that was not highlighted on the original consultation. can not be held responsible for any damage to these areas that have not been notified to us in advance and are not on the cleaning schedule. is proud to use eco-friendly products and equipment as part of standard cleaning. For deeper cleaning we sometimes may need to use chemicals. It is important that we know the material of the surfaces that we will be cleaning. We will always try to notify you of any use of chemicals in advance.


6d. Items outside of checklist staff will only clean the areas which have been pre-agreed on the checklist therefore please do not be offended if the cleaning team are unable to do extra additional cleaning. If the cleaning team agree to clean items outside of the cleaning checklist it is done so as a one off and on a goodwill only basis. For this we cannot accept any liability for damage due to incorrect products or cleaning techniques being used. In most instances if you wish to change your cleaning checklist or request an additional/ deep clean please give prior notice requesting this through the company and we will be happy to advise.







7a. guarantees that your cleaning will be completed to the standard agreed on the checklist. If there are any areas you think we may have missed or are not happy with please contact us within 24 hours of the clean so we can aim to rectify this. is unable to rectify cleaning if we are notified more than 24 hours after cleaning.


7b. Rectifications are limited to a maximum of 1 hour and will be fitted in to the next available space on the cleaning diary which may be at a different day/ time to your normal cleaning.


7c. Rectifications are limited to one attendance. The customer may not request further rectifications. There is no cash equivalent or refund for cleaning rectifications.






8a. Housework Damage to/ Loss of Property In the event of damage or loss as a result of negligence, the liability of shall be limited (at the discretion of the company) to repair or the replacement cost of the item, taking into account its age and condition. shall not in any event be liable for any loss of profit or consequential loss.


8b. Claiming Compensation Any claim for compensation must be notified as soon as possible and in any event within 3 days of the damage occurring. does not offer refunds for work performed, any compensation will be at the discretion of management.


8c. Products and Equipment, through prior arrangement with the customer can use the products or equipment as requested and supplied by the customer, however will not accept any liability as a result of any damage caused through the use of the products or equipment supplied by the customer. The products used and supplied by are industry standard and fit for the purpose. insurance policy will not indemnify for liability arising from or in respect of loss or damage to a customer’s property through the use of the customers own cleaning equipment, chemicals or solutions.


8d. Specialised surfaces and objects You agree that you have notified of any specialised surfaces or objects before cleaning commences, for example (but not limited to) granite, stone, gold, marble, silver and any items or objects that we are to be careful with or not to touch during cleaning. These surfaces and objects will be itemised in the cleaning checklist which you receive before and after the clean. If these surfaces and objects are not itemised on your agreed checklist cannot take responsibility for their care during cleaning. It is your responsibility to make sure you check this. If the surfaces in your home change after cleaning commences it is your responsibility to notify






Customers found knowingly using existing or previous employees (employed by the company within the last 12 months) for private cleaning will incur a recruitment fee.

A one off introductory fee of £1000.

Thereafter a monthly fee of £100.00 will be in effect for the entire duration of the private employment. will not be responsible for any accidents/theft/damages and you will not be covered by any of insurances.







10a. Standard Cleaning By default a regular standard clean will consist of cleaning and dusting your mainly used every day surfaces such as cobwebs, mirrors and tv, windowsill, shelves, tabletops and floors. Due to hygiene purposes our standard cleaning of bathrooms and kitchens is more thorough and also includes sinks, hob, front of oven, bath, shower, toilets and all splashback areas. Any specific or additional items will be agreed with you in advance and will be itemised on your checklist.


10b. Deep Cleaning Deep cleaning involves a more detailed approach to cleaning, specifically areas that are less used or harder to get to. This can include front and tops of cupboards, under and behind furniture, internal windows, internal fridge/ freezer and limescale and mould removal. These will normally be carried out at a higher rate and will be itemised on your checklist and agreed with you in advance. Please note that for deeper cleaning we will sometimes need to use chemicals and this will be notified to you in advance. currently sub-contracts oven and carpet cleaning and we are happy to discuss this with you.






11. DATA PROTECTION AND GDPR is governed by the data protection act and from May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will also take effect.

As a company it is our policy to only hold the minimum amount of data necessary for the minimum amount of time in order to operate effectively as a cleaning company.

The minimum amount of data we need to hold is:

  • Your first name and surname

  • Your address

  • A contact phone number

  • An email address to send invoices to and occasionally important updates

  • Cleaning checklists and notes (notes include alarm codes, access details, health and safety and pet information)

  • Your agreed terms and conditions


Under no circumstances does share any of your information with any other organisation or third party, neither do we conduct any direct marketing using your details.


Due to our sustainability and security policy no physical data is held about you. The minimum data we hold is only held electronically. This data is held under data protection and safe harbour laws. Customer information is held separately from our website therefore if our website is compromised no personal data will be obtained. Data is held under secure 256 bit industry standard encryption and can only be accessed through two step verification and/ or strong passwords. Any system that we use to hold your data meets GDPR and/ or ISO and SOC2 standard. is not responsible for how this is stored on the host servers. Any data breeches would be immediately reported within a 72 hour period to both you the customer and the data commissioner.


All our staff have undergone data protection training. To complete their day to day work, only staff who are assigned to your property have electronic access to your name, address and cleaning checklist. Any staff who leaves the company has their access immediately stopped. Staff can only view your information on a “read only” basis. They do not have the ability to edit or share you data, the only people who have master access to data is Simon Long and Joanne Long.


We do not see or hold any payment information about you. Payments can be made securely through your bank as a bank transfer or standing order.

We are happy to provide any customer with the data that we hold on them. This must be done in writing by email to and we will aim to respond within 14 days.


You have the right to ask us to remove or edit your data at any time.






If you refer a friend or family member and they start cleaning with us we will happily take 30% off one clean once they have completed four cleans. If you refer two people in the same month and they complete four cleans we will take 100% off the cost of one clean (free clean).





13. HOURS OF OPERATION operates between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays. Emails are not monitored outside of these hours and we aim to reply to you within a 48 hour period. Therefore if your query is urgent please phone/ text 07555 102102 or message our facebook page at which is likely to be picked up quicker.




All Staff have now been trained in safe working practices during Covid-19 (Coronavirus). They will be following the latest government advice and any additional company advice to keep them and you as safe as possible.


As part of this they will ensure products and equipment have been cleaned before use and will continue to only use customer supplied mops. They will make sure their hands are clean and be wearing gloves before entering your property however there may be occasion when they might need to use hand washing facilities at the property before, during or after the cleaning.


We request that customers are not present during the cleaning period and are either not in the property or isolating away in a separate room. If this is not possible for any reason we ask that customers and staff stay a minimum of 2 meters apart from each other at all times and that any pets or children are also kept away and under control. To help with the timing of this the cleaning team will attempt to arrive as close to the scheduled cleaning time as possible.


If you normally let us in the cleaning team will wait for you to move away from the door before entering the property and they will close the door again on leaving.


We will not be able to clean for any customer if they or any member of their family shows any sign of illness or is officially shielding/ self isolating. All staff will also be monitored and also not allowed to clean if they show any symptoms of illness.


We would ask that you notify us if anyone in your house is suffering from illness as soon as you can and we would be happy to cancel the cleaning with no penalty. If we have not been notified of any illness and arrive to find we cannot clean we reserve the right to charge 50% of the cleaning fee. Under Health and Safety regulations staff have the right not to clean if they feel it is unsafe for them to do so. Please note that Pink Cleaning cannot be liable for any customers contracting coronavirus.


During Covid-19 and any other pandemic it is possible we will face lockdowns, restrictions in working and staff shortages which may mean we cannot provide you with the normal service you are used to. Please be assured in these cases that we will always try our best to resume and reschedule cleaning as soon as we can


The relevant United Kingdom law shall govern these terms and conditions, and by agreeing to be bound by them the customer agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the relevant courts of the United Kingdom.

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Our Company


Operating Hours

Mon - By appointment only / one off cleans

Tues - Fri: 9am to 3pm
​​Weekends and Bank Holidays - Closed


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